Let's consider some END TIME EVENTS:
At the close of the seven year reign of the Anti-Christ here on Earth,known as the Great Tribulation Period, there will be a great war known as the Battle of Armageddon.
The Saints have all been in Heaven during the seven year period. All the believers in Jesus Christ,( The Church) have appeared before Jesus Christ our Saviour. This is called the Judgment Seat of Christ. Next comes the Marriage supper of the Lamb. The Lamb takes His Bride (the Church) for His wife. Revelation 19:1-10. Those present for this wedding are: Old Testament Saints from Adam to Jesus, they are the wedding guests: The 144,000 are the witnesses; The angels are attendants: and the New Testament Saint’s is the bride. There is another group, the Tribulation Saint’s (Martyrs) that could be included with the bride or they might be guests with the Old Testament Saints. It is unclear where they fit in.
There are many different views about all of this. We can only say that looking at the information we have, and looking through Earthly eyes at Heavenly things, this view seems logical. I don't like to use that word with Scripture, but I will this time.
Matt.24:29-31; Daniel 7:13,14.
1. Heaven opens – Every eye on earth will see!
a. A rider on a white horse appears. V-11
b. He is called Faithful and True! V-11
c. He makes war and judges in righteousness! V-11
d. His eyes as a flame of fire! V-12
e. Wears many crowns. V-12
f. Has a name no man knew what it was, but Him. V-12
g. Clothed in a garment dipped in blood. V-12
h. His Name is Called THE WORD OF GOD! V-13
i. Out of His mouth a sharp sword. V-15
j. On His garment and thigh the name KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.V-16
2. Armies follow The Word of God and King of Kings. V-14
a. They are on white horses
b. They are clothed in fine linen.
c. Clothes are “PURE” white and cleaner than clean!
1. Just before the battle, a call goes out to all the fowls to come and get ready for a great supper.V-17
a. This is to cleanse the earth and get ready for the 1,000 year’s of peace.
b. Every person, animal that is used against Christ or that received the mark of the beast will die. V-18
2. The war starts: V-19
a. The beast with all the kings of the earth along with their armies are ready.
b. China with her 2,000,000 man army from the east and others are on site.
c. It’s unclear where the USA figures in to this, but with all believers gone it will no doubt be right there with all the rest.
3. The first action: Rev.19:20; Daniel 7:11,8:25; 2 Thess. 2:8,9.
a. The beast and the false prophet take a SWIM in the LAKE OF FIRE. This swim will last through out eternity!
b. Next the fight. V-21 Jesus only has to speak a sound from his mouth and every person’s heart STOPS. They are ALL DEAD! THAT’S ALL , IT’S OVER!!!!!!
c. The fowls immediately start to eat the flesh.
d. An Angel came from Heaven with the KEY to the bottomless pit. He laid hold on Satan and bound him up and cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut the door and sealed it for the next 1,000 years.
1. All weapons of any kind will be made into tools, etc.Mica 4:1-5; Isa.2:4
2. No more thoughts or talk of war. Children won’t even know the meaning of the word.
3. Animal changes through-out the world instantly.Isa.11:6-9
a. Wolf and the lamb lay with each other and no harm.
b. The leopard and the Kid enjoy each other as play mates.
c. The calf, young lion, and fatling together.
d. Cow and the bear eat the same thing and lay together.
e. Lion’s eat straw
f. Small children play on the hole of asp (poison snake)
g. Babies shall put hand on the cockatrice den.(Deadly serpent that only needs to look at you to kill.)
h. They shall not hurt, kill, or destroy!
4. Vegetation changes will take place. The curse removed! Rom.8:19-23; Ezek.36:30,35; Isa.35:1,2.
a. Thorns and briers replace with Fir and Myrtle trees. Isa.55:13
b. Wilderness and desert will blossom as a rose. (moist) Isa.35:1
c. Plowman overtakes the reaper. Yield and productivity increases.
5. Jesus Christ will REIGN and RULE (Theocratic Government)
(Ruled by Priest’s and Divine authority) producing;
a. Joy – Fullness of joy throughout the land.
b. Holiness through out the world. Holy Kingdom; Holy City; Holy Subjects, Holy Temple.
c. Justice – perfect and true to all.
d. Knowledge – beyond anything we could imagine.
e. Sickness and death will be seldom seen.
f. Supernatural protection through the King. (Jesus)
6. Two kinds of people will be on earth for this period.Jer.30:20,31:29; Ezek 47:22;Zech 10:8.
a. The Glorified Saints (Bride) that help rule and reign. (Like Jesus’ body). 1 John 3:2
(1) Go through doors, walls, roofs, (John 20:26
(2) Eat food even though you don’t need it.(Lk.24:43)
(3) Flesh and bones but different. (Lk. 24:39)
(4) Ascend to heaven without space suit. (Acts 1:1)
(5) Incorruptible & never die. (1 Cor.15:49-52)
(6) Glorious, beautiful & splendor.
(7) Powerful and not subject to gravity.
(1Cor.15:35-38 & 15:50-52)
b. The people who came through the tribulation, earthly. Babies, children, & adults.
(1) Earth’s population will increase to the most ever recorded. These are all with the sin nature.
(2) They will work, have an economic system, industrialized society, all done according to the KING (Jesus). Isa.62:8,9; Jer.31:5; Ezek. 48:18,19
c. Other changes:
(1) Economic prosperity
(2) Increased light from the sun.
(3) Unified language
(4) Unified Worship, No other churches or beliefs.
(5) Manifest presence of God , Isa.2:2
(6) Fullness of the Spirit. Isa. 55: and chapt 56.
1. Satan will be loosed. Rev.20:7
2. Satan goes to Russia Rev.20:8
3. Satan gets up a mighty force to wage war against God. V-8
a. These are all earthy people. V-8
b. Can not be counted, as the sand of the sea. V-8
c. They go against Jerusalem. V-9
d. This is where Jesus the KING of KINGS sits in the Temple.
4. Fire comes down from Heaven and devoured them. V-9
(this could be Ezek. 38, and 39.
The Devil (Satan) will be cast into the Lake of Fire where the beast and the false prophet are. Rev. 20:10
My friend, in order to be on the winning side you must receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour of your life. The Bible says no one can come unto the Father but by Jesus Christ the Son of God. I want to see you in Heaven but only the Saved will be there. You can hear many other so called ways to get to Heaven, but the Bible makes it simple and clear. Believe and repent as the Scriptures have said and be saved today.
Just a simple prayer can do it if you will believe in your heart. Ask Christ to come into your life today. You will never be sorry. If I can help you write me. dgr31@yahoo.com
John prayed: EVEN SO COME LORD JESUS!This is my prayer, can you pray this? Are you ready for the Lord's return? Dave
At the close of the seven year reign of the Anti-Christ here on Earth,known as the Great Tribulation Period, there will be a great war known as the Battle of Armageddon.
The Saints have all been in Heaven during the seven year period. All the believers in Jesus Christ,( The Church) have appeared before Jesus Christ our Saviour. This is called the Judgment Seat of Christ. Next comes the Marriage supper of the Lamb. The Lamb takes His Bride (the Church) for His wife. Revelation 19:1-10. Those present for this wedding are: Old Testament Saints from Adam to Jesus, they are the wedding guests: The 144,000 are the witnesses; The angels are attendants: and the New Testament Saint’s is the bride. There is another group, the Tribulation Saint’s (Martyrs) that could be included with the bride or they might be guests with the Old Testament Saints. It is unclear where they fit in.
There are many different views about all of this. We can only say that looking at the information we have, and looking through Earthly eyes at Heavenly things, this view seems logical. I don't like to use that word with Scripture, but I will this time.
Matt.24:29-31; Daniel 7:13,14.
1. Heaven opens – Every eye on earth will see!
a. A rider on a white horse appears. V-11
b. He is called Faithful and True! V-11
c. He makes war and judges in righteousness! V-11
d. His eyes as a flame of fire! V-12
e. Wears many crowns. V-12
f. Has a name no man knew what it was, but Him. V-12
g. Clothed in a garment dipped in blood. V-12
h. His Name is Called THE WORD OF GOD! V-13
i. Out of His mouth a sharp sword. V-15
j. On His garment and thigh the name KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.V-16
2. Armies follow The Word of God and King of Kings. V-14
a. They are on white horses
b. They are clothed in fine linen.
c. Clothes are “PURE” white and cleaner than clean!
1. Just before the battle, a call goes out to all the fowls to come and get ready for a great supper.V-17
a. This is to cleanse the earth and get ready for the 1,000 year’s of peace.
b. Every person, animal that is used against Christ or that received the mark of the beast will die. V-18
2. The war starts: V-19
a. The beast with all the kings of the earth along with their armies are ready.
b. China with her 2,000,000 man army from the east and others are on site.
c. It’s unclear where the USA figures in to this, but with all believers gone it will no doubt be right there with all the rest.
3. The first action: Rev.19:20; Daniel 7:11,8:25; 2 Thess. 2:8,9.
a. The beast and the false prophet take a SWIM in the LAKE OF FIRE. This swim will last through out eternity!
b. Next the fight. V-21 Jesus only has to speak a sound from his mouth and every person’s heart STOPS. They are ALL DEAD! THAT’S ALL , IT’S OVER!!!!!!
c. The fowls immediately start to eat the flesh.
d. An Angel came from Heaven with the KEY to the bottomless pit. He laid hold on Satan and bound him up and cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut the door and sealed it for the next 1,000 years.
1. All weapons of any kind will be made into tools, etc.Mica 4:1-5; Isa.2:4
2. No more thoughts or talk of war. Children won’t even know the meaning of the word.
3. Animal changes through-out the world instantly.Isa.11:6-9
a. Wolf and the lamb lay with each other and no harm.
b. The leopard and the Kid enjoy each other as play mates.
c. The calf, young lion, and fatling together.
d. Cow and the bear eat the same thing and lay together.
e. Lion’s eat straw
f. Small children play on the hole of asp (poison snake)
g. Babies shall put hand on the cockatrice den.(Deadly serpent that only needs to look at you to kill.)
h. They shall not hurt, kill, or destroy!
4. Vegetation changes will take place. The curse removed! Rom.8:19-23; Ezek.36:30,35; Isa.35:1,2.
a. Thorns and briers replace with Fir and Myrtle trees. Isa.55:13
b. Wilderness and desert will blossom as a rose. (moist) Isa.35:1
c. Plowman overtakes the reaper. Yield and productivity increases.
5. Jesus Christ will REIGN and RULE (Theocratic Government)
(Ruled by Priest’s and Divine authority) producing;
a. Joy – Fullness of joy throughout the land.
b. Holiness through out the world. Holy Kingdom; Holy City; Holy Subjects, Holy Temple.
c. Justice – perfect and true to all.
d. Knowledge – beyond anything we could imagine.
e. Sickness and death will be seldom seen.
f. Supernatural protection through the King. (Jesus)
6. Two kinds of people will be on earth for this period.Jer.30:20,31:29; Ezek 47:22;Zech 10:8.
a. The Glorified Saints (Bride) that help rule and reign. (Like Jesus’ body). 1 John 3:2
(1) Go through doors, walls, roofs, (John 20:26
(2) Eat food even though you don’t need it.(Lk.24:43)
(3) Flesh and bones but different. (Lk. 24:39)
(4) Ascend to heaven without space suit. (Acts 1:1)
(5) Incorruptible & never die. (1 Cor.15:49-52)
(6) Glorious, beautiful & splendor.
(7) Powerful and not subject to gravity.
(1Cor.15:35-38 & 15:50-52)
b. The people who came through the tribulation, earthly. Babies, children, & adults.
(1) Earth’s population will increase to the most ever recorded. These are all with the sin nature.
(2) They will work, have an economic system, industrialized society, all done according to the KING (Jesus). Isa.62:8,9; Jer.31:5; Ezek. 48:18,19
c. Other changes:
(1) Economic prosperity
(2) Increased light from the sun.
(3) Unified language
(4) Unified Worship, No other churches or beliefs.
(5) Manifest presence of God , Isa.2:2
(6) Fullness of the Spirit. Isa. 55: and chapt 56.
1. Satan will be loosed. Rev.20:7
2. Satan goes to Russia Rev.20:8
3. Satan gets up a mighty force to wage war against God. V-8
a. These are all earthy people. V-8
b. Can not be counted, as the sand of the sea. V-8
c. They go against Jerusalem. V-9
d. This is where Jesus the KING of KINGS sits in the Temple.
4. Fire comes down from Heaven and devoured them. V-9
(this could be Ezek. 38, and 39.
The Devil (Satan) will be cast into the Lake of Fire where the beast and the false prophet are. Rev. 20:10
My friend, in order to be on the winning side you must receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour of your life. The Bible says no one can come unto the Father but by Jesus Christ the Son of God. I want to see you in Heaven but only the Saved will be there. You can hear many other so called ways to get to Heaven, but the Bible makes it simple and clear. Believe and repent as the Scriptures have said and be saved today.
Just a simple prayer can do it if you will believe in your heart. Ask Christ to come into your life today. You will never be sorry. If I can help you write me. dgr31@yahoo.com
John prayed: EVEN SO COME LORD JESUS!This is my prayer, can you pray this? Are you ready for the Lord's return? Dave
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