

We must understand that there is MUCH we do not know concerning Angels.
We do know they were created perfect and serve willingly’
Most believe they were created before the things of earth or between Gen 1:1 and verse 2.

They do not multiply as the other creations of God, each one is one in itself, and will never die.
There is neither male or female Angels, they are just Angels but can appear in many different forms.
Some believe there is a Kingdom or different levels of responsibility for the Angels such as; Thrones, Dominions, Principalities, Authorities, and Powers. “The angel of the Lord” is mentioned over 70 times throughout the Scriptures, however it is not once mentioned in the book of Revelation. Some think this “Angel of the Lord” may be a special Angel or group of Angels.

The number of these are not known.

They are mentioned in many places in the Bible. They are seen as a Guard, Defender, Coverer of the Absolute Holiness of the Throne of God. We first saw this angel in the Garden of Eden guarding the tree of life after the fall of Adam and Eve.

Seraphims:The number of these are not known.

Only mentioned in Isaiah 6:1-7 attending the Lord of Hosts as He is seated on a Throne, High and lifted up, and His Train fills the Temple. They seem to maintain Worship, Dignity, Honor, and Reverence before the Throne of God! Some believe these are the same as Cherubims.

Take a quick look at three Celestial Princes:

He is seen in the Scriptures by many names; Satan, Devil, Beelzebub, Belial, Serpent, and Dragon.

Name means, Son of the morning: The most exalted of all the angels ever created, second only to the Godhead! He was perfect in beauty, the highest in Authority and was placed over God’s Throne. BUT, not the most powerful! ( see Ezek. 28 for more) When he rebelled against God Almighty a third of the angels rebelled with him. Some believe “ALL” of the fallen angels are held in a special place (of darkness) called “Tartarus” prepared just for them.
See 2 Peter 2:4 and Jude 6.

Others take the position that only the angels of high authority were locked up in Tartarus while some low ranking angels are still loose and working with Satan in his kingdom. Eph.6:12
Regardless, we know that there are many evil spirits, (or devils) all part of Satan’s organization. We use the term “demons”, (This word is not in KJV but we know they are real).
The Angels great sin was PRIDE, GREED, and UNTRUTH!!!

Here is a Caution! 2 Cor. 11:13-15 Satan has transformed himself into an angel of light, also his followers imitate ministers of righteousness. Eph.6:12 and Eph. 2:2 Satan is called the Prince and Power of the air!

First Peter 5:8 Be alert! Devil is seeking whom he may devour.
James 4:7,8 Submit unto God and resist the Devil.
Hebrews 13:2, talks about entertaining angels unawares by entertaining strangers or people we don’t know.
Some people have injected the idea, that in times past we may have even met some of the fallen angels and have entertained them. I have trouble with this idea because the Bible says they are chained up. I don't believe they can get loose! However, my advice to this is STAY FULL OF THE HOLY GHOST!!


Named five times.
In Daniel 10:13 called “One of the Chief Princes” He appears to be the messenger of Law and Judgment. He is called “The Archangel” In 1 Thess.4:16 It is believed Michael’s voice will be heard at the time of the Rapture of the Saints. Michael is the MOST POWERFUL of all angels! In Jude 9 he opposes Satan in a dispute concerning Moses’ body. It is Michael who leads the Angelic Army in Heaven against that old Serpent, called the devil, and his angels Rev.12:7.


Is named four times, (name means mighty one.)
Many believe he is also an Archangel however if he is , he is weaker than Michael. Most Bible teachers believe he is not an Archangel. He is the messenger of mercy and promise. Announced birth of John the Baptist, also the virgin birth. He was sent from God to Daniel with an answer to prayer and was delayed in a contest with Satan’s emissary. Satan only hindered Gabriel and Gabriel was able to bring the answer to Daniel and Daniel wrote “The Seventy Weeks of Years” Dan.9:20-27. This is still being fulfilled today!
Notice: Many believe if he was an Archangel he could not have been hindered by one of Satan's workers!

Let's look at another strong Angel in Revelation:
Is this a special Angel?

In Rev. 20:1-3. This Angel is not identified, (God may have created him just for this purpose) but he comes with the key to the bottomless pit and with a great chain in his hand, he binds the devil and casts him into the pit. Satan is shut up and sealed for a thousand years. V-7 He is set loose for a season, but V-10 says he was cast into LAKE OF FIRE and BRIMSTONE, where the Beast and the false prophet are; and they are tormented forever and forever. Praise the LORD!!!

There are many books on the market talking about Angels. Some are better than others. Read what ever you want to read, but be sure to compare what you read with the Word of God. Never accept what is written if it can not be confirmed in the Bible. It's true, our thinking can be enlightened, but we can also be so misled that we fall away from Christ. Remember, the devil is "slick". He wants you! 

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