
Spiritual Check-up

Doctor Jesus will see you now!

Some people hate to go for a check-up. A great sigh of relief when we hear these words. "You are as good as you were in your 20's" WOW!!! But once in a while the results are not to good. Then we fall into a state of despair. Some times people make themselves worse by thinking death is around the corner.

Christians handle reports differently than non-christian people. Christians look beyond this life to eternity with Christ. This is our main goal. This life is but a place and time for believers to love Christ through faith in God and accepting the Bible as the Word of God for us today. The more that a person reads in the Word of God, (Bible) the more he or she decides that Heaven is a place desired over anything that can be offered in this life. Then because of our love for our Saviour Jesus Christ we long to see Him.

What about you ??? Are you looking for satisfaction only in this world? Have you thought about eternity? There is a place called Heaven for the saints of God but there is also a place prepared for the Devil and the fallen angels called Hell, the lake of fire. Any that fail to receive Jesus as Lord of their life will go there when they die.

In the Book of Revelation there is a list of some of the sins man-kind commit, Rev.21:8. All of those who commit any of these sins can be saved, right now. They can have Eternal life by accepting what Jesus did for them on the Cross. He died for all the sins of man-kind.

How are you today? If you have not confessed your sins yet, do it today while you have time. When we have been examined by the Bible we see that the promise is for today only. No promise of tomorrow!

Let me know if I can be of some help for you.
E-Mail dgr31@yahoo.com

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